We don't do dark roasts!

We don't do dark roasts!

Darkly roasted coffee is the majority of coffee people drink everywhere and it can be delicious. Do you only drink dark roasted coffee?  Awesome!

We will never roast our coffees darkly.  Why?  Read on to learn more.

The first thing that might be surprising is that coffee is the seed of a fruit.  

The best fruits are sweet!  The picture above is coffee fruits growing at Patzibir in Guatemala.  We roast these “fruit seeds” to the very peak of their sweetness.  Darkly roasted coffees are roasted beyond the point where they are most sweet in the cup.

Roasting darkly brings out roasted notes, and diminishes or eliminates all of the prized flavors that a farmer worked for a whole season to develop.

Often times, other more sneaky coffee companies will use dark roasts to mask flavor defects or quality deficits. Roasting lightly allows us to highlight all of the wonderful flavors we find so special in this incredible beverage called coffee.

Have you had a bad experience with lightly roasted coffee before? Same. We take a lot of time to taste and develop the perfect roast profile for every last one of our carefully sourced coffees.  They are all roasted to the very peak of their sweetness.

Do you prefer dark and heavy flavors in your morning cup?  Sometimes we do too! That’s why we do our best to have a wide variety of coffees from all over the world, some of them have naturally deeper flavor notes.

If you are looking for a deep noted coffee have you had a chance to try Plowshare? It’s our best selling whole bean coffee has notes of dark chocolate and molasses.

Right now Plowshare is single origin washed coffee from a wonderful co-op in Costa Rica.  It’s the only coffee we sell for $10/lbs or less!  That’s simply a crazy good price for whole bean specialty coffee.  Check it out.

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